Academic Review Service
Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, 2017, San Diego, USA.
Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, 2016, Berlin, Germany.
Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, 2015, New Orleans, USA.
Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, 2014, Baltimore, USA.
European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 2014, Valencia, Spain.
Society of Consumer Psychology (SCP) Winter Conference, 2014, Miami, Florida, USA.
Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, 2017, San Diego, USA.
Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, 2016, Berlin, Germany.
Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, 2015, New Orleans, USA.
Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, 2014, Baltimore, USA.
European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 2014, Valencia, Spain.
Society of Consumer Psychology (SCP) Winter Conference, 2014, Miami, Florida, USA.